COUPLE TREATMENT: ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION, by Judith C. Nelsen. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, 1998, 412 pp., $ 60.00 (cloth). Reviewed by Scot M. Allgood. WHY DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE?: EXPERIENCING THE MAGIC, MYSTERY AND MEANING OF SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS, by J. R. Levine and H. J. Markman (Eds.) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001,220 pp., $19.95 (cloth). Reviewed by Kevin P. Lyness. COUPLES AND PREGNANCY: WELCOME, UNWELCOME, AND IN-BETWEEN, Barbara Jo Brothers (Ed.) New York: The Haworth Press, Inc., co-published simultaneously as Journal of Couples Therapy, VolumeS, Number!, 1999, 99pp., $39.95(cloth), $15.95(paper). Reviewed by Barbara Wetzel. ACCEPTANCE AND CHANGE IN COUPLE THERAPY: A THERAPIST'S GUIDE TO TRANSFORMING RELATIONSHIPS, by Neil S. Jacobson and Andrew Christensen. New York: Norton, 1996, 283pp, $25.00 (paperback). (Publishedpreviously under the title: Integral ve Couple Therapy: Promoting Acceptance and Change). Reviewed by Gary H. Bischof.