COUPLES ON THE FAULT LINE: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR THERAPISTS. Peggy Papp (Ed.). New York: Guilford, 2000, 334 pp. $35.00 (cloth). Reviewed by Anne M. Prouty. THE DARK SIDE OF CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS. Brian H. Spitzberg and William R. Cupach (Eds.) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998,393 pp., $99.95 (hardback), and $45.00 (paperback). Reviewed by Glade L. Topham. PREVENTIVE APPROACHES IN COUPLES THERAPY. Rony Berger and Mo Therese Hannah (Eds.). Philadelphia: BrunnerIMazel, 1999, 442 pp., $39.95 (cloth). Reviewed by Marsha T. Carolan. MARITAL DISTRESS: COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS FOR COUPLES. Jill H. Rathus and William C. Sanderson. New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc., 1999, 378pp., $40.00 (cloth). Reviewed by Bruce Kuehl. COPING WITH DIVORCE, SINGLE PARENTING, AND REMARRIAGE: A RISK AND RESILIENCE PERSPECTIVE. E. Mavis Hetherington (Ed.) New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1999,359 pp., $79.95 (cloth), $36.00 (paper). Reviewed by Maureen Semans.