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  JAS review of books
Titel: JAS review of books
Auteur: Hogg, Robert
Herbert, Jeannie
Tucker, Robyn
Kaleveld, Lisette
Haughton, James
O'Sullivan, Robert
Bond, Sue
Leet, Martin
Matthews, Eliza
Tumarkin, Maria
Fazio, Daniel
Lowe, Iris
Robinson, Shirleene
Ferguson, Kathryn
Choo, Christine
Durber, Dean
Mappin, Strephyn
Lawrence, Stephen
Verschenen in: Journal of Australian studies
Paginering: Jaargang 27 (2003) nr. 79 pagina's 181-213
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: Bain Attwood and S G Foster (eds), Frontier Conflict: The Australian Experience, National Museum of Australia, 2003, pp 218, pb S39.95, ISBN 1876944110. Walmajarri Storytellers, edited by Eirlys Richards, Joyce Hudson and Pat Lowe, Out of the Desert: Stories from the Walmajarri Exodus, Magabala Books, 2003, pp 186, pb $39.95, ISBN 1875641491. Veronica Brodie as told to Mary-Anne Gale, My Side of the Bridge, Wakefield Press, 2002, pp 190, pb $24.95, ISBN 186254557X. Amanda Ahern and the Mornington Island Elders, Paint-Up, University of Queensland Press, 2002, pp 104, pb $35.00, ISBN 0702232696. Mark Latham, From the Suburbs: Building a nation from our neighbourhoods, Pluto Press, 2003, pp 150, pb $24.95, ISBN 1864031891. Peter Saunders, The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with economic and social change in Australia, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp 300, pb $39.95, ISBN 0521524431. Paul J Gollan and Glenn Patmore (eds), Partnership at Work: The Challenge of Employee Democracy, Pluto Press, 2003, pp 224, pb $32.95, ISBN 1864031883. Clive Hamilton, Growth Fetish, Allen and Unwin, 2003, pp 262, pb $24.95, ISBN 1741140781. Mary Zournazi, Hope: New Philosophies for Change, Pluto Press, 2002, pp 288, pb $29.95, ISBN 1864031409. Tanya Ha, Greeniology: How to live well, be green and make a difference, Allen and Unwin, 2003, pp 304, pb $29.95, ISBN 186508929X. Tony Coady and Michael O'Keefe eds, Terrorism and Justice: Moral Argument in a Threatened World, Melbourne University Press, 2002, pp 142, pb $24.95, ISBN 0522850499. Alan Atkinson, Three Weeks in Bali: A Personal Account of the Bali Bombing, ABC Books, 2003, pp 112, pb $12.95, ISBN 0733312381. Joan Beaumont, Christopher Waters and David Lowe with Garry Woodard, Ministers, Mandarins and Diplomats: Australian Foreign Policy Making 1941-1969, Melbourne University Press, 2003, pp 224, pb $39.95, ISBN 0522850472. Ann Howard, C'mon Over: voluntary child migrants from Tilbury to Sydney, 1921 to 1965, Tarka, 2002, pp 194, pb $29.95, ISBN 0958584311. John S Levi and G F J Bergman, Australian Genesis: Jewish Convicts and Settlers 1788-1860, Melbourne University Press, 2002, pp 400, hb $89.95, ISBN 0522847773. Douglas R G Sellick (ed), Venus in Transit: Australia's Women Travellers 1788-1930, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2003, pp 364, pb $24.95, ISBN 1863683941. Suellen Murray, More Than Refuge: Changing Responses to Domestic Violence, University of Western Australia Press, 2002, pp 222, pb $34.95, ISBN 1876268832. Sharyn Pearce and Vivienne Muller (eds), Manning the Next Millennium: Studies in Masculinities, Black Swan Press, 2002, pp 288, pb $27.50, ISBN 1740671449. Tim Bowden, Penelope Bungles to Broome, Allen and Unwin, 2002, pp 303, pb $19.95, ISBN 1865087998. Zan Ross, En Passant, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2003, pp 96, pb $21.95, ISBN 1920731008.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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