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  Quality of emission data: Community right to know and national reporting
Titel: Quality of emission data: Community right to know and national reporting
Auteur: Pulles, Tinus
Verschenen in: Journal of integrative environmental sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 151-160
Jaar: 2008-09
Inhoud: Emissions and releases to the environment are the starting point of every environmental pollution problem. Information on emissions is therefore an absolute requirement in understanding environmental problems and monitoring progress in solving these. Both policy makers and scientists are aware of this. In two fundamentally different policy processes such data are officially collected by authorities and regularly published: (1) national inventories in response to reporting obligations in international conventions and protocols and (2) data on individual industries in pollutant release and transfer registers. This study briefly describes the basics of both types of emission reporting schemes and discusses the consequences of the different perspectives and approaches for the quality of the data. These data and data compilation procedures are not based on scientific reasoning and criteria but on the specific objectives and legal aspects of enforcing compliance with the reporting guidelines. Scientists using these data must always be aware of this.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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