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  Pb isotopes in drinking water: A new strategy for source detection of low Pb sources
Titel: Pb isotopes in drinking water: A new strategy for source detection of low Pb sources
Auteur: Sidle, W. C.
Haught, R.
Verschenen in: Journal of integrative environmental sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 205-211
Jaar: 2008-09
Inhoud: Source detection of low concentrations of Pb in water, for instance less than 15 μg L-1, may require a new methodology as the tolerances of Pb in drinking water are further reduced. It appears that the isotope properties of Pb may aid discrimination among natural sources and anthropogenic sources, including some plumbing materials. Characteristic Pb isotope signatures in a typical rural water supply district, located in Maine, are outlined. For example, unflushed drinking water lines have 207Pb/206Pb (0.850) and 208Pb/206Pb (2.130) signatures similar to Pb solders on pipes with ages of 7-38 years. Whereas reduced Pb concentrations in drinking water lines correlate with naturally distinctive signatures of 207Pb/206Pb (0.785) and 208Pb/206Pb (1.945).
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 18 van 25 gevonden artikelen
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