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  Computer Simulation of The Bullmoose Coal Preparation Plant
Titel: Computer Simulation of The Bullmoose Coal Preparation Plant
Auteur: Lind, Peter
Yalcin, Turgut
Butcher, Jeff
Verschenen in: International journal of coal preparation and utilization
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (2003) nr. 3 pagina's 129-145
Jaar: 2003-05
Inhoud: A customized computer simulation program was developed in Microsoft Excel for the Bullmoose coal preparation plant, which is a 450 t/h coal cleaning facility located in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Upon specification of raw feed characteristics and plant operating parameters, the program predicts the overall plant performance, as well as the performances of individual cleaning circuits that comprise heavy media cyclone, spiral, and flotation. The program also includes an optimization module, which can be used to determine the necessary plant operating conditions to satisfy the "110 Model," an internal performance benchmark. The simulator has been tested against actual plant data and found to be reliable within the scope of investigations. Examples are provided to demonstrate the use of the simulator in investigating the effect of some of the important process variables, namely the frother concentration and heavy media slurry density.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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