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  En C14-Datering Av Glaciallera Från Lugnvik, Ångermanland
Titel: En C14-Datering Av Glaciallera Från Lugnvik, Ångermanland
Auteur: Hornsten, åke
Olsson, Ingrid U.
Verschenen in: GFF
Paginering: Jaargang 86 (1964) nr. 2 pagina's 206-210
Jaar: 1964-05-31
Inhoud: Two samples of glacial varved clay have been dated by radiocarbon measurements. The humus fraction was separated from the bulk material but very small amounts of humus were obtained. However, enough humus (material soluble in hot NaOH) was obtained from one sample for analysis and it gave an age of [image omitted] years B. P., which agrees with the expected age of about 8,800 years B. P. derived from the varve chronology. The unsoluble portions of the two samples yielded ages of [image omitted] years and > 37,000 years B. P. The unsoluble portions are considered to be composed of dead carbon mixed with material contemporaneous with the deposition of the varved clay; therefore, these high ages are to be regarded as minimum ages for that fraction. The age obtained from the humus fraction, however, is not necessarily the real age of the varves.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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