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  The Friends Thou Hast
Titel: The Friends Thou Hast
Auteur: McCamish, Malcolm
Verschenen in: Journal of gay & lesbian social services
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (1999) nr. 2-3 pagina's 161-191
Jaar: 1999-04-09
Inhoud: Most studies of male commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Thailand have been framed within a context of HIV risk and have investigated sexual behaviours and HIV knowledge. However, Mann et al. (1992) have identified health and social services and a supportive social environment as equally essential partners in an HIV-preventive triumvirate. This paper is based on extended observation and a series of in-depth interviews with forty-three male CSWs who are both organised (bar workers) and freelance as well as a number of clients (farang and Thai) and bar management. This paper examines the social environment in which male CSWs operate. It considers workplace conditions and support, the personal relationships workers have with parents, friends, clients, other bar workers and management, and how these are influenced by workers' cultural norms. A number of recommendations designed to reduce HIV-infection rates are made.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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