Children's and Primary Caretakers' Perceptions of the Sexual Abuse Investigation Process: A New Zealand Example
Children's and Primary Caretakers' Perceptions of the Sexual Abuse Investigation Process: A New Zealand Example
Davies, Emma Seymour, Fred Read, John
Verschenen in:
Journal of child sexual abuse
Jaargang 9 (2001) nr. 2 pagina's 41-56
Children's and non-offending parents' perceptions of the child sexual abuse investigation process have received little research attention. In this study, interviews were conducted with 51 children and 124 primary carers where the children had made clear disclosures of sexual abuse. The interviews recorded their perceptions concerning social work intervention, early police responses, the evidential video units (who produce the videotaped evidence-in-chief), medical examinations, access to therapeutic services, and the way these interventions link together. While the majority reported positive experiences of the professionals involved, there were problems with delays, interagency collaboration and provision of information, support, and control.