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  The Relationship of Child Maltreatment and Self-Capacities with Distress When Telling One's Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Title: The Relationship of Child Maltreatment and Self-Capacities with Distress When Telling One's Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Author: Palesh, Oxana Gronskaya
Classen, Catherine C.
Field, Nigel
Kraemer, Helena C.
Spiegel, David
Appeared in: Journal of child sexual abuse
Paging: Volume 16 (2007) nr. 4 pages 63-80
Year: 2007-08-29
Contents: This study examined the impact of telling one's story of childhood sexual abuse and its relationship with the survivor's self-capacities and history of other child maltreatment. The baseline data were collected from 134 female CSA survivors who were participating in a large intervention study. Participants were given 10 minutes to describe their childhood sexual abuse and completed a post-interview questionnaire assessing post-traumatic stress symptoms and their emotional response. The distress in response to their narrative was both predicted and mediated by the survivors' self-capacities and other forms of child maltreatment beyond child sexual abuse.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 5 of 6 found articles
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