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  Paradigm Shift: Implementing MEGA, a New Tool Proposed to Define and Assess Sexually Abusive Dynamics in Youth Ages 19 and Under
Titel: Paradigm Shift: Implementing MEGA, a New Tool Proposed to Define and Assess Sexually Abusive Dynamics in Youth Ages 19 and Under
Auteur: Rasmussen, Lucinda A.
Miccio-Fonseca, L. C.
Verschenen in: Journal of child sexual abuse
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2007) nr. 1 pagina's 85-106
Jaar: 2007-01-15
Inhoud: Previous definitions of sexually abusive behavior in children and adolescents were deficient in failing to (1) highlight salient neuropsychological elements and antisocial behaviors that may contribute to a youth's functioning; (2) discriminate among possible types of coercion (e.g., manipulation, threats, physical force, and use of weapons); and (3) include predatory elements of sexual abuse against strangers or casual acquaintances. This article discusses a new comprehensive assessment tool that assists in defining sexually abusive youth. This tool, the Multiplex Empirically Guided Inventory of Ecological Aggregates for Assessing Sexually Abusive Children and Adolescents (Ages 19 and under) (MEGA; Miccio-Fonseca, 2006b), encompasses neuropsychological elements, coercive aspects, and predatory elements as essential factors to consider in comprehensive assessments of sexually abusive youth.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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