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  Child Sexual Abuse Allegations Amidst Divorce and Custody Proceedings
Titel: Child Sexual Abuse Allegations Amidst Divorce and Custody Proceedings
Auteur: McGraw, J. Melbourne
Smith, Holly A.
Verschenen in: Journal of child sexual abuse
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (1992) nr. 1 pagina's 49-62
Jaar: 1992-08-12
Inhoud: This study describes 18 cases of child sexual abuse allegations investigaled by the Boulder County (Colorado) Sexual Abuse Team which revolved around divorce and custody disputes. Determining whether such allegations are reliable or fictitious presents a challenge to caseworkers who are apt to find themselves caught up in the highly charged atmosphere of divorce and custody proceedings. Initially, only 5.6% of the cases investigated were believed to be founded by the sexual abuse evaluation team. After applying the clinical process of validation used at the Kernpe Center in Denver. Colorado, the cases were subject to further review and categorized as follows: reliable accounts; recantations; unsubstantiated suspicions; insufficienl information; fictitious reports by adults; and fictitious reports by children. Subsequent to applying this clinical Drocess of validation. the number of cases categorized as founded hcreased to 44.4%. Application of a systematic process of validation by clinicians is suggested in the determination of whether reports are likely to be vacd or fictitious. Tentative conclusions are drawn which acknowledge that the atmosphere surrounding divorce/ custody proceedings can affect objectivity by clinicians and which suggest adherence to a systematic clinical process of validation.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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