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  The Effects of CO2 Enrichment, Increased Light Irradiance, and Reduced Sucrose Concentration on Acclimatization of Micropropagated American Ginseng Plantlets
Titel: The Effects of CO2 Enrichment, Increased Light Irradiance, and Reduced Sucrose Concentration on Acclimatization of Micropropagated American Ginseng Plantlets
Auteur: Sfendla, Rajae
Desilets, Helene
Laliberte, Sylvie
Olivier, Alain
Verschenen in: Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 97-106
Jaar: 2008-01-18
Inhoud: American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) plantlets produced by somatic embryogenesis were pre-acclimatized for four weeks inside growth chambers in a factorial design. The three factors of the experiment were CO2 concentration (400 and 3000 μL L-1), photosynthetic photon flux (30 and 50 μmol m-2 s-1) and sucrose concentration (0 and 15 g L-1) in the culture medium. The plantlets were subsequently transferred into a greenhouse where they were acclimatized for two weeks. Regardless of photosynthetic photon flux and sucrose levels, CO2 enrichment during the pre-acclimatization phase significantly increased (6.3%) the fresh mass of American ginseng plantlets in the growth chambers. This positive effect resulted in a 26.4% increase in fresh mass after the acclimatization phase in the greenhouse. CO2 enrichment during the pre-acclimatization phase also significantly increased (32%) leaf area after acclimatization, but had no significant effect on dry mass, height nor survival. Increased light irradiance and reduced sucrose concentration had no significant effects on the growth parameters and survival of American ginseng plantlets. Despite the biological and ecological constraints that limit growth and development of this species, CO2 enrichment could enhance its acclimatization.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 105 van 110 gevonden artikelen
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