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  National Elder Abuse Questionnaire: Summary of Adult Protective Service Investigator Responses
Titel: National Elder Abuse Questionnaire: Summary of Adult Protective Service Investigator Responses
Auteur: Jogerst, Gerald
Daly, Jeanette M.
Ingram, Jerry
Verschenen in: Journal of elder abuse & neglect
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2003) nr. 4 pagina's 59-71
Jaar: 2003-10-06
Inhoud: The purpose of this paper is to characterize investigative structures and investigator characteristics for each APS office in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Through mailed questionnaires and follow-up telephone calls, 1,409 questionnaires were completed for a return rate of 80%. The mean age of respondents was 46.4 years and ninety-nine percent of the respondents worked full-time and has been in his or her current position for an average of nine years. Half of the respondents reported using abuse screen or risk factor instruments when investigating an alleged elder abuse report. Seventy-three percent reported that they investigate only adult and elder allegations. Sixty percent of the respondents reported that a formal training program for elder abuse evaluations was in place for employees with an average length of two to four days. Sixty-nine percent of the investigators consider an elder to be “better off” most of the time following intervention, and that this improved status was a direct result of the resources provided. Nearly three-fourths of investigators reported that elder abuse was under reported in their area. Those on the front lines, the APS investigators, provide valuable insights regarding the systems in which they work.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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