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  Qualitative information concerning audiences of network television programs
Titel: Qualitative information concerning audiences of network television programs
Auteur: Summers, Harrison B.
Verschenen in: Journal of broadcasting & electronic media
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (1961) nr. 2 pagina's 147-160
Jaar: 1961
Inhoud: All too often, it is assumed that the broadcast audience measurement services only supply ratings of individual programs. Often overlooked is the vast amount of ancillary material of a qualitative nature published with the ratings themselves. This material (dependent of course, for accuracy on the sampling procedures of the various measurement services) is of immense value to persons interested in the deeper and longer range aspects of audience behavior and composition. It is interesting to note that the Madow report (see p. 165) only devotes two pages to qualitative information. The article that follows was written prior to publication of the Madow committee report and is derived independently from the original sources. In that connection, Dr. Summers wishes particularly to thank Mr. John Thayer of ARB, Mr. H. Wynn Bussmann of Nielsen, Dr. Sydney Roslow of Pulse, Mr. Eugene L. Reilly of Trendez and Mr. Henry Brenner of TvQ for their assistance in providing information and in checking the manuscript of this article for accuracy.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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