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                                       Details van artikel 139 van 159 gevonden artikelen
  The Globalisation of Communication and the African Foreign Language User
Titel: The Globalisation of Communication and the African Foreign Language User
Auteur: Sonaiya, Remi
Verschenen in: Language culture and curriculum
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2003) nr. 2 pagina's 146-154
Jaar: 2003-06-01
Inhoud: This article discusses, from an African perspective, the two dimensions associable with the question of the globalisation of communication: the promotion of the learning of some international languages (the quantitative dimension) and the teaching and learning of communication skills (the qualitative dimension). It suggests that the time is ripe for stripping the continued use of European languages on the African continent of its historical burden of colonialism and adopting a functional approach whereby the languages are seen as performing specific functions related to modern living. A similar approach is advocated with respect to the learning of communication skills as well: they should be seen as applicable in specific contexts only and not indiscriminately to every sphere of life. In terms of the hopes being expressed in various quarters that the learning of foreign languages would contribute to promoting mutual understanding among the peoples of the world, it is claimed that only a language that is freely chosen, not imposed or felt to be threatening, could stand the chance of fulfilling such hopes.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 139 van 159 gevonden artikelen
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