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  Promoting Ethnocultural Equity Education in Franco-Ontarian Schools
Titel: Promoting Ethnocultural Equity Education in Franco-Ontarian Schools
Auteur: Berger, Marie Josee
Heller, Monica
Verschenen in: Language culture and curriculum
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2001) nr. 2 pagina's 130-141
Jaar: 2001-12-01
Inhoud: The Franco-Ontarian community has always been made up of people whose language and culture were similar. Over the past 20 years, important changes have taken place, particularly in urban centres where the French-speaking immigrants came from all parts of the world. A veritable micro cosmos has resulted, reflecting the growth of the world community of francophones (Ministry of Education and Training, 1993). Ontario is a large province with regional differences which are reflected in the concentration and composition of the population. In a number of towns, French is the language of the majority but francophones can be found across the province. A large number of newly arrived immigrants from other French-speaking environments, have settled in Ontario, especially in urban regions, where they are now actively engaged in maintaining and promoting the use of French within their respective ethnocultural communities. Given the historical context of the evolution of French schools in Ontario, the arrival of new francophones can be beneficial. This is the basis from which one must examine the position of French-language schools in Ontario when redefining their role and the changes that must be made to include these new groups of francophones.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 118 van 159 gevonden artikelen
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