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                                       Details for article 15 of 17 found articles
  Marketing Home Health Care Medical Services: The Physician's View
Title: Marketing Home Health Care Medical Services: The Physician's View
Author: Ryan, Edward J.
Phelps, Raymond A.
Appeared in: Health marketing quarterly
Paging: Volume 10 (1993) nr. 3-4 pages 105-127
Year: 1993-08-04
Contents: The authors surveyed physicians serving the Jackson, Mississippi home health care market. They identified problems and studied physician perceptions regarding services provided by home health care agencies, private duty nursing agencies, and durable medical equipment suppliers. Respondents perceived home health care as providing: (1) increased patient satisfaction, (2) greater patient convenience, (3) earlier discharge, and (4) lowered patient costs. They least liked: (1) lack of control and involvement in the patient caring process, (2) paperwork, (3) quality control potential, and the possibility that patient costs could increase. Two sets of implications for health care marketers are presented that involve both national and regional levels. Overall results indicate that a growing and profitable market segment exists and is being served in an effective and socially responsible manner.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 15 of 17 found articles
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