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  Change in Need for Psychosocial Support for Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer
Titel: Change in Need for Psychosocial Support for Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer
Auteur: Chantler, Marcia
Podbilewicz-Schuller, Yaffa
Mortimer, Joanne
Verschenen in: Journal of psychosocial oncology
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (2006) nr. 2-3 pagina's 65-77
Jaar: 2006-02-16
Inhoud: To simulate the longitudinal needs of patients treated for breast cancer, 2 groups of women were recruited. Patients within 6 months of diagnosis were considered in the “early” group and those 6-12 months after diagnosis were categorized as the “late” group. Participants were asked to identify effective and ineffective methods of psychosocial support and how those needs changed. Thirty-one women participated in the focus groups. Women in the early group identified problems related to their surgery and chemotherapy; those in the late group focused on symptoms associated with menopause. An exaggerated fear of disease recurrence and death were common to both groups. Most women found it difficult to strike a balance between wanting emotional support and wanting to be treated as “normal.” The provision of concrete medical information in the form of pathology and laboratory reports and information from health care professionals provided comfort and control. Spouses and partners were helpful in providing tangible assistance with transportation and childcare while female friends were more likely to share emotions. Organized support groups were helpful to only 13%. Participants acknowledged a need to learn how to identify their psychosocial needs and to ask for support from friends and family. Medical information provided patients with a sense of control and comfort. Women with breast cancer need to identify effective sources of emotional support and should be taught how to communicate those needs to their families and friends.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 19 gevonden artikelen
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