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  A study of sediment delivery by floods in the lower Yellow River, China / Etude de la production de sediments par les crues du Fleuve Jaune inferieur, en Chine
Titel: A study of sediment delivery by floods in the lower Yellow River, China / Etude de la production de sediments par les crues du Fleuve Jaune inferieur, en Chine
Verschenen in: Hydrological sciences journal
Paginering: Jaargang 48 (2003) nr. 4 pagina's 553-566
Jaar: 2003-08-01
Inhoud: The concept of sediment delivery ratio (SDR) is used at the scale of channel reach to define the efficiency of sediment transport in a given river reach. Based on the data from 144 flood events during the periods 1950-1960 and 1969-1985, sediment delivery by floods in the lower Yellow River has been studied. The results show that SDR decreases with the increases in the event-averaged sediment concentration and the “incoming sediment coefficient” expressed as sediment concentration divided by water discharge. At a flood discharge of 4000m3 s-1, the SDR reaches its maximum. The SDR of flood events strongly influenced by hyperconcentrated flows is low. Channel shape has some influence on sediment delivery ratio. A relatively deep and narrow channel may enhance the sediment carrying capacity of the river and leads to a higher SDR. Significant difference exists in the event SDR between the floods that come from different source areas. The SDR of a given flood event is found to be related with the combination of sediment from different source areas; when the sediment from the coarse sediment producing area accounts for 50% of the event total, or the sediment from the fine sediment producing area accounts for 40% of the event total, the event SDR reached its maximum.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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