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                                       Details van artikel 14 van 90 gevonden artikelen
  Client and Responder Perceptions of a Personal Emergency Response System: Lifeline
Titel: Client and Responder Perceptions of a Personal Emergency Response System: Lifeline
Auteur: Fallis, Wendy M.
Silverthorne, Diane
Franklin, Jonathon
McClement, Susan
Verschenen in: Home health care services quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 26 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 1-21
Jaar: 2007-07-12
Inhoud: A mixed methodology mail survey was used to gauge level of customer satisfaction with, and identify issues that may help improve, personal emergency response system service delivery. A total of 1,236 surveys were mailed out to subscribers of Victoria Lifeline (Canada; n = 618) and their designated responders (n = 618). Overall response rate was 50%. Significant predictors of subscriber and responder satisfaction were satisfaction with the service during an emergency and whether expectations of service were met. In addition, for responders, customer service also predicted satisfaction. Thematic analysis of subscriber and responder comments identified the need for improvement in several areas: equipment, cost of the service, training sessions for users, and communication between subscribers and service providers. Although more than 95% of subscribers and responders were satisfied with the service, the findings provide direction to personal emergency response service providers about ways in which their product and service delivery might be enhanced, and underscore the need for research examining the impacts of response systems on family caregivers and public policy regarding community care solutions.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 14 van 90 gevonden artikelen
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