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  Cyborg: a Design for Life in the Borderlands
Titel: Cyborg: a Design for Life in the Borderlands
Auteur: Wood, Martin
Verschenen in: Emergence
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (1999) nr. 3 pagina's 92-104
Jaar: 1999-09-01
Inhoud: Traditional managers have insisted in a highly structured way of institutionalizing the mechanistic, functianalized, physical management of people and artifacts. This focus on structure creates a tension between the need for rigid command on the OM hand and that for flexible response to threats on the other. The modern worker i s thereby confronted with a bewildering multiplicity of partial identities, contradictory viewpoints and corporate strategies that pull in different directions. Wood suggests a contrasting approach, the cyborg self; a hybrid composition of organism and machine that celebrates the very tension that the structural approach abhors. The cyborg gives primacy to relationships us things in their own right ahead of individual terms and expressions. Thus, the cyborg stands in opposition to a focus on structure and is perhaps an introduction to the organization's postmodern focus on interactions and processes.
Uitgever: Lawrence Erlbaum
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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