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                                       Details for article 90 of 91 found articles
  Why Do Teachers Need to Use Technology in Their Classrooms? Issues, Problems, and Solutions
Title: Why Do Teachers Need to Use Technology in Their Classrooms? Issues, Problems, and Solutions
Author: Wang, Feng
Reeves, Thomas C.
Appeared in: Computers in the schools
Paging: Volume 20 (2004) nr. 4 pages 49-65
Year: 2004-03-15
Contents: Will computers repeat the failure that older technologies (e.g., film, radio, and television) experienced concerning educational applications of technology? A simple question seems to be helpful for us to gain more insight on this issue: “Why do teachers need to use technology in their classrooms?” To answer this question, first of all, the general expectations that people have for computers in education are examined. Then, a summary of the failures regarding educational uses of technologies are provided and analyzed. Next, the question of whether computers can escape the same fate as film, radio, and television is examined. Finally, a conclusion is presented that computers can bring great changes to classrooms in the next decade, but improper enthusiasm must be discouraged. To a great extent, the passion for computers can be managed by a more realistic research agenda. The paper concludes with recommendations for development research and design-based research.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 90 of 91 found articles
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