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                                       Details van artikel 49 van 91 gevonden artikelen
  Measuring Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum Integration
Titel: Measuring Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum Integration
Auteur: Proctor, Romina M. J.
Watson, Glenice
Finger, Glenn
Verschenen in: Computers in the schools
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (2004) nr. 4 pagina's 67-87
Jaar: 2004-03-15
Inhoud: There is currently a trend toward the development of methodologies to measure Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum integration and its resultant impact on student learning outcomes. Simplistic, negative correlations between numbers of classroom computers and standardized literacy and numeracy test results provide headlines for the media but do little to illuminate the full impact of ICT on teaching and learning. However, attempts at more sophisticated analyses are not problem free and raise issues of methodology and definition. From a review of the recent international and Australian research on the definition and measurement of ICT curriculum integration, this paper describes the development and initial validation of a new ICT curriculum integration measurement instrument conceptualized from the Productive Pedagogies framework (Education Queensland, 2000). This instrument is envisaged as one of a suite of methodologies for validly and reliably measuring ICT curriculum integration in classrooms.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 49 van 91 gevonden artikelen
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