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                                       Details van artikel 46 van 219 gevonden artikelen
  Developing Electronic Portfolios Across the State of Utah
Titel: Developing Electronic Portfolios Across the State of Utah
Auteur: Hawkins, Carol Lee
Black, Sharon
Verschenen in: Computers in the schools
Paginering: Jaargang 21 (2004) nr. 1-2 pagina's 95-113
Jaar: 2004-09-07
Inhoud: When Brigham Young University received a PT3 grant three years ago, the university, the Utah State Office of Education, and individual school districts throughout the state were just beginning to explore possible benefits and implementation strategies for electronic portfolios. With a few fortunate “breaks”-financial, administrative, and technological-all of these groups began to think about electronic portfolios more seriously. Although there were some breakdowns and near breakdowns, caused by initial isolation of efforts and suspicion among participants, these groups learned to trust and collaborate, resulting in breakthroughs, as models, expert guidance, and implementation opportunities were offered and progress was achieved. At present, statewide collaborative efforts are enabling BYU, the State Office of Education, and districts and teacher preparation institutions to pass “breaks” forward to pre-service and in-service teachers, including an instruction/support sequence, a layered model that includes both working and presentation portfolios, and free lifetime server space provided by the Utah Education Network. In this article the authors share the journey and map the current point of arrival.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 46 van 219 gevonden artikelen
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