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                                       Details for article 60 of 171 found articles
  Cost-Effectiveness and Benefits of Outsourcing Authority Control
Title: Cost-Effectiveness and Benefits of Outsourcing Authority Control
Author: Tsui, Susan L.
Hinders, Carole F.
Appeared in: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Paging: Volume 26 (1999) nr. 4 pages 43-61
Year: 1999-05-06
Contents: This article illustrates the collaboration of three entities- the library, its online system and the authority service vendor-to achieve online authority control in a medium-sized academic library efficiently and cost-effectively. The authority service vendor checks and revises (as needed) the headings of the library's new bibliographic records, providing new authority records for them. Through a separate notification service, the vendor also provides revised authority records for the existing authority file, alerting the library when in-house online maintenance is needed. In this online environment, authority records and bibliographic records are maintained automatically by the vendor authority service. Thus, using various authority heading reports which can be generated by the local online system in conjunction with the notification service, the library concentrates its authority work on the elimination or correction of obsolete headings. The authority vendor services are effective and reduce the cost of maintaining the online catalog. Ultimately, accurate standardized headings enhance the ease and effectiveness of online searching and retrieval for all who consult the library's catalog.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 60 of 171 found articles
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