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                                       Details van artikel 59 van 171 gevonden artikelen
  Coordination of Cataloging Practices in the United States Newspaper Program
Titel: Coordination of Cataloging Practices in the United States Newspaper Program
Auteur: Harriman, Robert B.
Verschenen in: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1986) nr. 4 pagina's 15-29
Jaar: 1986-06-10
Inhoud: The bibliographic component of the United States Newspaper Program comprises cooperative efforts to locate and catalog the more than 300,000 newspapers published in the U.S. and its territories since colonial times, and to enter bibliographic and holdings information about those titles into the CONSER data base. The attempt to gain bibliographic control over existing newspaper collections, as well as the attempt to gather and organize previously uncollected materials, has required procedural adaptations determined by a unique set of working conditions. The scale of the program has required specificity of goals and objectives, satisfying standards for inclusion of records in the national serials data base while maintaining reasonable economies. This paper outlines some of the mechanisms put in place to achieve that balance.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 59 van 171 gevonden artikelen
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