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  (Re)Making the Serials Cataloger: The SCCTP Within an Educational Framework
Titel: (Re)Making the Serials Cataloger: The SCCTP Within an Educational Framework
Auteur: Howarth, Lynne C.
Verschenen in: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (2001) nr. 4 pagina's 29-36
Jaar: 2001-02-07
Inhoud: The Serials Cooperative Cataloging Program (SCCTP) is reviewed from the standpoint of a library educator. Although the demand for copy catalogers has declined in the era of digital information, the demand for original catalogers has remained constant due, in part, to the growth in titles in different media formats and different languages. Additionally linking to information housed externally or internally and embedding metadata tags for resource discovery are among the new tasks for organizers of information in the Internet era. Increasingly professional organizations are filling the need for continuing education and training for advanced-level catalogers. This article examines the SCCTP as a model for continuous professional development and concludes it is adaptable more generally.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 130 van 171 gevonden artikelen
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