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  Predicting Overall Quality of Life and General Health of Veterans With and Without Health Problems
Titel: Predicting Overall Quality of Life and General Health of Veterans With and Without Health Problems
Auteur: Schok, Michaela Louise
de Vries, Jolanda
Verschenen in: Military psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 17 (2005) nr. 2 pagina's 89-100
Jaar: 2005-04-01
Inhoud: The purpose of this study was to describe quality of life (QOL) of Dutch New Guinea veterans with and without health problems and to identify predictors of overall QOL and general health using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Instrument-100 (WHOQOL-100). Current health problems in New Guinea veterans negatively affect overall QOL and general health; physical health; psychological health; level of independence; social relationships; and important features of the environment, when compared with their healthy counterparts. Predictors of overall QOL and general health differed between veterans with and without health problems, with the emphasis on quality of psychological health, social relationships, and level of independence as a means of improving the overall QOL and general health among veterans with health problems.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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