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  How do Teachers Teach Memory Skill?
Titel: How do Teachers Teach Memory Skill?
Auteur: Moely, Barbara E.
Hart, Silvia S.
Santulli, Kevin
Leal, Linda
Johnson, Terry
Rao, Nirmala
Burney, Libbi
Verschenen in: Educational psychologist
Paginering: Jaargang 21 (1986) nr. 1-2 pagina's 55-71
Jaar: 1986-01-01
Inhoud: Research on teachers' efforts to influence the ways in which children approach memory tasks and understand and regulate their own memory processes has been limited, possibly because of the restrictive views of memory held by cognitive theories that have previously guided research efforts. A more complex perspective on the memory skills that develop over the elementary school years has been elaborated by developmental psychologists and information-processing theorists, but their work has had limited influence on either teacher-training practices or research in teaching. In order to begin to apply this newer perspective to an understanding of classroom teaching processes, research needs to consider teacher practices and expectations for children's learning and memory. A program of research that has been concerned with how teachers teach memory and metacognitive skills and with teachers' views of memory processes is summarized in this article, and implications for teacher training are discussed.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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