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  A Pragmatic Conception of Basic and Applied Research: Commentary on Hoffman and Deffenbacher (1993)
Titel: A Pragmatic Conception of Basic and Applied Research: Commentary on Hoffman and Deffenbacher (1993)
Auteur: Vicente, Kim J.
Verschenen in: Ecological psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1994) nr. 1 pagina's 65-81
Jaar: 1994-03-01
Inhoud: Hoffman and Deffenbacher (1993) proposed a multidimensional framework that is intended to describe the relationship between basic and applied behavioral research. This is an extremely important topic in psychology and human factors, one that has a wide range of implications for many issues that are at the core of the scientific endeavor. Thus, it is worthwhile to critically examine the fundamental questions raised by Hoffman and Deffenbacher's article. Analyzing these same issues from the perspective of a different field, cognitive engineering, leads to an alternative conception of basic and applied research that is more parsimonious and more pragmatic than Hoffman and Deffenbacher's scheme. The key criterion for classifying research according to this alternative framework is the purpose of the research; the primary goal of basic research is to contribute to theoretical knowl- edge and the primary goal of applied research is to solve a specific problem. This framework is intended to promote a broad vision of psychology, and more importantly for human factors, a tighter coupling between basic research and applied problems.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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