Mode Transition and Change in Variable Use in Perceptual Learning
Mode Transition and Change in Variable Use in Perceptual Learning
Hajnal, Alen Grocki, Michael Jacobs, David M. Zaal, Frank T. J. M. Michaels, Claire F.
Appeared in:
Ecological psychology
Volume 18 (2006) nr. 2 pages 67-91
Runeson, Juslin, and Olsson (2000) proposed (a) that perceptual learning entails a transition from an inferential to a direct-perceptual mode of apprehension, and (b) that relative confidence—the difference between estimated and actual performance—indicates whether apprehension is inferential or direct. In 3 experiments participants received feedback on judgments of force; the results replicated Runeson et al.'s observed decrease in overconfidence but showed more overconfidence. Relative confidence depended on how performance was defined. An attempt to manipulate confidence failed, but trait confidence affected relative confidence. It was concluded that overconfidence does not necessarily signal inferential functioning and that a decrease in overconfidence might occur in a direct-perceptual mode. A theory of learning within the direct-perceptual mode, in addition to learning through a mode transition, appears necessary.