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  What Does Computer-Mediated Control of a Thermal-Hydraulic System Have to Do With Moving Your Jaw to Speak? Evidence for Synergies in Process Control
Titel: What Does Computer-Mediated Control of a Thermal-Hydraulic System Have to Do With Moving Your Jaw to Speak? Evidence for Synergies in Process Control
Auteur: Hajdukiewicz, John R.
Vicente, Kim J.
Verschenen in: Ecological psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2004) nr. 4 pagina's 255-285
Jaar: 2004-10-01
Inhoud: Coordination phenomena can take many diverse forms, but ecological psychologists have focused primarily on understanding human motor control. In this article we report an experiment on human-machine coordination that was designed to replicate and extend an early experiment on human jaw movement during speech production that provided initial evidence of synergies. Participants controlled a thermal-hydraulic process simulation for about 1 hr per weekday for approximately 1 month. Half of the participants used a human-computer interface that presented predominantly lower level physical (P) information, whereas the other half used an interface that presented higher level functional (P+F) information as well. During the last block of trials, local perturbations were introduced by increasing the time constant of a particular component per trial by a factor of 20. The component perturbations had less impact on the performance of the P+F participants than the P, and this effect was mostly localized to components that had alternative degrees of freedom for control. Most important, the P+F participants exhibited more evidence of higher level control than the P, providing some initial evidence for synergies in process control. These findings suggest that it may be possible to develop a general unified theory of coordination that subsumes motor control and human-machine interaction as special cases.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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