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  Using Qualitative Evaluation Methods to Identify Exemplary Practices in Early Childhood Education
Titel: Using Qualitative Evaluation Methods to Identify Exemplary Practices in Early Childhood Education
Auteur: DeStefano, Lizanne
Maude, Susan P.
Heinzel Crews, Sandra
Mabry, Linda
Verschenen in: Early education and development
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1992) nr. 2 pagina's 173-187
Jaar: 1992-04-01
Inhoud: The proliferation of early childhood programs for children with and without disabilities has occurred without clear indicators or standards of program quality. Evaluations of these programs often consist of compliance monitoring or outcome assessment. Little attention is given to program context or the quality of individual components of the program. In this paper, an alternative evaluation model, a connoisseurship or professional review model using on-site observations, interviews, and document review, was used to identify exemplary practices in early childhood education in one large midwestern state. The results indicated that with proper training and support, early childhood professionals without experience in qualitative methods can become proficient in interviewing techniques, observation, and document review. The resulting case study reports were useful for identifying and describing exemplary practices across the state, demonstrating the potential for this alternative approach to evaluation in early childhood education.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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