Formal Education, Credential, or Both: Early Childhood Program Classroom Practices
Formal Education, Credential, or Both: Early Childhood Program Classroom Practices
Vu, Jennifer A. Jeon, Hyun-Joo Howes, Carollee
Verschenen in:
Early education and development
Jaargang 19 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 479-504
Research Findings: This study is intended to widen the debate around the bachelor's degree (BA) as preparation for early childhood teaching when head teachers possess various levels of credentials and education. We examined classroom quality and teacher involvement in 231 classrooms sponsored by 122 different agencies, staffed and supervised by teachers and program directors who had varying levels of credentials within the California Child Development Permit. We found that not only teachers' education and credential level but also the credential level of the program director as well as auspice predicted classroom quality. In private, nonprofit programs as well as Head Start/general child care programs, teacher BAs did predict classroom quality, but when classrooms were sponsored by school districts and the state, preschool program teacher BAs were not as predictive of classroom quality. Practice or Policy: These findings point to the importance of considering not only teachers' education but also the effects of supervision and auspice when examining the influences of variations in professional development on classroom quality.