The Systemic Impacts of New York's Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program: A Response to Ackerman, Apple, Barnett, and Goffin
The Systemic Impacts of New York's Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program: A Response to Ackerman, Apple, Barnett, and Goffin
Morrissey, Taryn W. Lekies, Kristi S. Cochran, Moncrieff M.
Appeared in:
Early education and development
Volume 18 (2007) nr. 4 pages 617-624
We thank Debra J. Ackerman, Peggy L. Apple, W. Steven Barnett, and Stacie G. Goffin for their thoughtful commentaries on our article “Implementing New York's Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program: An Exploratory Study of Systemic Impacts” (this issue). Our response focuses on two main themes that emerged from the commentaries: (a) the generalizability of the sample and the study's methodological limitations and (b) protectionism of the existing early care and education system. In light of our study and the commentators' main points, we provide a set of policy recommendations for improving quality, accessibility, and affordability in the current early care and education system.