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  Characteristics of the Early Intervention Workforce: An Indiana Perspective
Titel: Characteristics of the Early Intervention Workforce: An Indiana Perspective
Auteur: Kontos, Susan
Dunn, Loraine
Verschenen in: Early education and development
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (1989) nr. 2 pagina's 141-157
Jaar: 1989-10-01
Inhoud: In preparation for implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457, the Indiana early intervention workforce was surveyed to determine the current status of the workforce and identify implications for policy making. A sample of 837 respondents generated information about the types of personnel providing services, their qualifications, compensation, and longevity in the field. Turnover rates for the personnel categories surveyed were also obtained. Education and licensure for teachers and aides showed considerable variation, with some personnel having training in areas related to early intervention and many with training in unrelated areas. Striking differences were seen in compensation favoring public school personnel over personnel employed in other types of agencies. Personnel turnover rates were high, averaging 30%. The data indicate the need for early intervention training programs and equitable compensation of trained personnel if Indiana, and presumably other states, are to meet the mandate of P.L. 99-457, Part H. The most critical needs are to develop strategies to attract, train, and support specialized early intervention personnel from a wide variety of disciplines.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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