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  Practices in Other-Initiated Repair Resolution: The Phonetic Differentiation of 'Repetitions'
Titel: Practices in Other-Initiated Repair Resolution: The Phonetic Differentiation of 'Repetitions'
Auteur: Curl, Traci S.
Verschenen in: Discourse processes
Paginering: Jaargang 39 (2005) nr. 1 pagina's 1-43
Jaar: 2005-01-01
Inhoud: This study presents a phonetic analysis of repetitions occurring in other-initiated repair sequences in American English. Despite their lexical similarities, the repairs are shown to have 2 distinct phonetic patterns. These patterns correspond systematically with a sequential and interactional difference between fitted and disjunct trouble source turns. Trouble source turns that are fitted are repeated more loudly and have expanded pitch ranges, longer durations, and changes to the articulatory settings. Trouble source turns that are disjunct are repeated more quietly and have nonexpanded pitch ranges, shorter durations, and no major differences in articulation. These turns may provide an example of a way in which the levels of linguistic organization are split, with reproduction of lexico-syntax handling a possible problem in hearing, whereas the phonetics display an orientation to the sequential fittedness of the turn being repaired. This research highlights the interrelationship of phonetic structure and sequence organization.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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