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  Effects of Responsibility for Illness and Social Acceptability on Reactions to People With AIDS: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Titel: Effects of Responsibility for Illness and Social Acceptability on Reactions to People With AIDS: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Auteur: Murphy-Berman, Virginia A.
Berman, John J.
Verschenen in: Basic and applied social psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (1993) nr. 2 pagina's 215-229
Jaar: 1993-06-01
Inhoud: In this research, we examined how responsibility for illness (defined as having taken or not taken health precautions prior to becoming ill) and the social acceptability of the situation in which one acquires a disease (defined as being a drug addict or a laboratory worker) affected how German and American students reacted to a person ill with AIDS. Reactions included respondents' emotional responses, their willingness to allocate resources, and their perceptions of the fairness or unfairness of the depicted individual's plight. Results indicated that respondents reacted more positively toward the other with AIDS, were willing to distribute more resources to him, and saw his plight as being more unfair when he was depicted as being less responsible for his illness and when he became HIV infected in a more socially acceptable manner. Respondents from Germany were consistently more positive in their reactions than respondents from the United States. Also, respondents from Germany took differences in the patient's social acceptability less into account in their reactions than did U.S. respondents. The results were interpreted in light of the different health-care structures utilized in the two cultures.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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