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                                       Details van artikel 110 van 206 gevonden artikelen
  Need for Cognition and Expectations as Determinants of Affective Experience
Titel: Need for Cognition and Expectations as Determinants of Affective Experience
Auteur: Geers, Andrew L.
Lassiter, G. Daniel
Verschenen in: Basic and applied social psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2003) nr. 4 pagina's 313-325
Jaar: 2003-12-01
Inhoud: The Affective Expectation Model (AEM; Wilson, T. D., Lisle, D. J., Kraft, D., & Wetzel, C. G. (1989). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 519-530) proposes that expectations can generate both assimilation and contrast effects in affective experience. Specifically, when an experience is inconsistent with an affective expectation, and that discrepancy is noticed, the model predicts that affective reactions will be contrasted with the expectation. When the discrepancy is not noticed, it is anticipated that affective reactions will be assimilated toward the expectation. These studies examine the possibility that such assimilation and contrast effects in affective experience are moderated by individual differences in need for cognition. In two experiments, individuals varying in their level of need for cognition were asked to watch one of the two relatively unfunny film clips. We predicted that, when given a positive expectation for the film clip, individuals high in need for cognition would detect the discrepancy and contrast their affective reactions. Conversely, it was predicted that, in this same situation, individuals low in need for cognition would overlook the discrepancy and assimilate their affective reactions to the positive expectation. The results of both experiments supported these predictions and supplied further evidence for the AEM. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 110 van 206 gevonden artikelen
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