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  Acceptability and applicability of Cue Exposure Therapy as a relapse prevention intervention for individuals who have substance misuse and mental health problems
Titel: Acceptability and applicability of Cue Exposure Therapy as a relapse prevention intervention for individuals who have substance misuse and mental health problems
Auteur: Manley, David Steven
Verschenen in: Mental health and substance use
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (2008) nr. 2 pagina's 172-184
Jaar: 2008-06
Inhoud: Background: Cue Exposure Therapy (CET) is regarded as a valuable intervention, helping individuals with substance misuse problems recognise cues and triggers to relapse and begin to reduce cravings. Guidelines suggest substance misuse skills should be adapted by mental health professionals working with clients with mental health and substance misuse problems (dual diagnosis). Aims: This study aimed to assess the acceptability of training in CET, its applicability in dual diagnosis work and the effect the training had on professional's confidence in delivering services. In addition, to explore how skills were adapted to meet the needs of individuals with a dual diagnosis. Method: CET training was given to psychiatric professionals working with dual diagnosis clients. The cross-sectional research comprised two stages: pre- and post-training confidence self-scores and a post-training questionnaire; and confidence self-scores and semi-structured interviews with a randomised sub-section of the original population, 30 days post-training. Results: The results demonstrate CET is acceptable to psychiatric personnel and training raised confidence significantly. Individuals interviewed at follow-up had used CET techniques and were unanimous in the opinion that supervision was essential to be able to develop and implement new skills.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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