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  Numerical Analysis of RC Bridge Piers with Rectangular Hollow Cross-section Retrofitted with FRP Jackets
Titel: Numerical Analysis of RC Bridge Piers with Rectangular Hollow Cross-section Retrofitted with FRP Jackets
Auteur: Tsionis, Georgios
Pinto, Artur
Verschenen in: Journal of earthquake engineering
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 607-630
Jaar: 2007-07
Inhoud: The research presented in this article deals with the seismic retrofit of bridge piers with rectangular hollow cross-section using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets. A two-level numerical approach that combines finite element method (FEM) analyses and fiber modeling is proposed. The FEM is used to study the effect of FRP jackets on the properties of concrete. The analyses show that the existing empirical laws for FRP-confined concrete are not suitable for piers with hollow cross-section, as the effect of confinement is not uniform within the cross-section and the stress-strain curves show softening after peak strength. Fiber modeling is used to study the global behavior of reinforced concrete piers with rectangular hollow cross-section wrapped with FRP jackets. To account for confinement, the properties of the concrete fibers are modified according to the results of the FEM analyses. The proposed method is validated against experimental results and used for an extensive parametric study. It is found that the effectiveness of jacketing is conditioned by the axial load, longitudinal reinforcement, and jacket dimensions. An empirical design equation is formulated on the basis of the numerical analyses.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 8 gevonden artikelen
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