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  Computer-Aided Design for Product De- and Remanufacture
Titel: Computer-Aided Design for Product De- and Remanufacture
Auteur: Harper, Brian
Rosen, David W.
Verschenen in: Journal of design and manufacturing automation
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (2001) nr. 1-2 pagina's 137-154
Jaar: 2001-10-01
Inhoud: Increasingly, designers are asked to consider additional types of requirements, including the environmental impact of their designs during the product's lifetime and after its useful life. Two of these types of requirements are investigated in this article. Demanufacturing is the process of dismantling a product and disposing or recycling of components, modules, or materials. Product reuse retains a greater portion of its value and often requires remanufacturing, the refurbishment of a product or product modules. In this article, requirements for CAD representations to support de-and remanufacture assessments at multiple stages in the design process are identified. Information requirements are classified into categories according to the difficulty in extracting the information from assembly-based CAD representations. Information not obtainable from CAD representations is noted. Methods for querying CAD systems to extract significant amounts of this information are presented. Methods for supporting limited product redesign are enabled by a new fastener representation. These methods have been incorporated into the prototypical CAD system CODA. This work is applied to the design for de- and remanufacture of an automotive instrument cluster. It is shown that feasible disassembly sequences can be generated, ideal parts can be recognized, and de- and remanufacturing assessments provided.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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