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  A methodology for the simulation of out-of-position driver airbag deployment
Titel: A methodology for the simulation of out-of-position driver airbag deployment
Auteur: Mahangare, M.
Trepess, D.
Blundell, M.
Freisinger, M.
Hoffmann, J.
Smith, S. J.
Verschenen in: International journal of crashworthiness
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2006) nr. 6 pagina's 511-517
Jaar: 2006-01
Inhoud: This article reports on the initial results from a collaborative project undertaken jointly by Coventry University, Toyoda Gosei Europe NV and TNO Automotive UK Ltd., where a methodology has been developed to model and simulate with MADYMO the deployment of a driver airbag designed for out-of-position (OoP) occupants. The airbag used in this study was based on an innovative production airbag system design previously developed predominantly with physical testing. The computer models developed here are intended to provide airbag design engineers with simulation tools that can be used to investigate design improvements and performance optimisation. The work reported covered the determination of the physical properties of the airbag material, static and dynamic airbag testing, and model validation, using sophisticated finite element airbag models created through the use of both single and dual chambers. The simulation performed stretched the capabilities of the MADYMO solver and the Gas Flow (GF) module and contributed directly to enhancements in the latest MADYMO 6.2.2 software release. Future use of the airbag model developed here will involve integration with a 5th percentile model dummy, seat and restraint system models to create a predictive out-of-position modelling and simulation tool.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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