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                                       Details van artikel 109 van 117 gevonden artikelen
  Study of a device for controlling the pulses of sled testing
Titel: Study of a device for controlling the pulses of sled testing
Auteur: Massenzio, M.
Maupas, A.
Bennani, A.
Ronel, S.
Joffrin, P.
Jacquelin, E.
Verschenen in: International journal of crashworthiness
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 311-318
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Improving the effectiveness of restraint systems (seat belts, air bags,) requires the development of experimental means capable of testing different crash types. Sled testing offers the advantage of improving the test conditions and consequently the repeatability of the crash pulse. The paper focuses on the deceleration device and on how to control the deceleration of the sled. The deceleration device includes a fixed part composed of four cylinders maintaining a steel bar and a spur attached to the front part of the sled. The dissipation mechanism is due to the plastic deformation of the steel bar impacted by the spur. The mechanism is stationary, leading to a constant force on the spur and therefore leading to a constant deceleration of the sled. The paper includes an experimental study and presents an analytical and a numerical model (FE model) to predict the deceleration of the sled. Comparisons between experimental results and predicted results point out the reliability of the models.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 109 van 117 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland