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  Spatiotemporal environmental triggers of Ebola and Marburg virus transmission
Title: Spatiotemporal environmental triggers of Ebola and Marburg virus transmission
Author: Lash, R. Ryan
Brunsell, Nathaniel A.
Peterson, A. Townsend
Appeared in: Geocarto international
Paging: Volume 23 (2008) nr. 6 pages 451-466
Year: 2008-12
Contents: Despite their fame, Ebola and Marburg viruses (family Filoviridae) remain mysterious. Filovirus outbreaks are restricted to tropical Africa, but their likely geographic extent has been outlined only recently, and their natural reservoir host(s) remains unidentified. If environmental conditions associated with outbreaks in space and time can be identified precisely, much could be learned about the ecology, evolution and transmission of these viruses. We examined five filovirus outbreaks for which time series of remotely sensed data (NDVI values) are available and for which the reservoir-to-human index case transmission timing and location are known. A wavelet analysis was used to detect anomalous behaviour in the NDVI signal across multiple time scales for each outbreak. Scale-wise anomalies were manifested at a 20-day scale, and were found in four of the five sites, one to three weeks preceding outbreaks, suggesting that filovirus-caused disease outbreaks may be associated with either behavioural shifts in a vertebrate host or changes in viral population dynamics. More generally, wavelet analysis offers a powerful tool for identifying temporal correlates of disease transmission events.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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