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                                       Details for article 21 of 179 found articles
  Contested terrain: Oxfam, gender, and the aftermath of war
Title: Contested terrain: Oxfam, gender, and the aftermath of war
Author: Williams, Suzanne
Appeared in: Gender and development
Paging: Volume 9 (2001) nr. 3 pages 19-28
Year: 2001-12-01
Contents: In this paper I explore the terrain of the international NGO (INGO) - in this case Oxfam GB - and some of its difficulties in integrating gender equity goals in the institutional structures and policies which govern its activities in conflict and its aftermath. I look at terrain that is divided into areas that are treated very differently. These are, on one hand, the field of humanitarian interventions in the throes of an emergency, and on the other, the 'non-conflict' field of reconstruction and development. Historically, these two fields of activity have been governed by very different ways of thinking and acting, often in conflict with each other. Gender analysis and gender-sensitive programming are central to these differences, and essential tools in the attempts to overcome them. In Oxfam GB at present, the differences in approaches to gender equity in these two territories are acknowledged, if not routinely addressed; but the importance of addressing gender equity in order to overcome some of these differences, is more complicated and controversial.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 21 of 179 found articles
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