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  The power of adolescent voices: co-researchers in mental health promotion
Titel: The power of adolescent voices: co-researchers in mental health promotion
Auteur: Lind, Candace
Verschenen in: Educational action research
Paginering: Jaargang 15 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 371-383
Jaar: 2007-09
Inhoud: This article describes a participatory action research project undertaken as a partnership between student, teacher and nurse co-researchers at a Canadian alternative high school. A key purpose of this research was to explore and interpret the meaning of this partnership for mental health promoting nursing practices with adolescents. Following a description of the research, this discussion focuses on the research process, with learning organized under the themes of belonging and power. Understandings arose from the value of partnerships to promote adolescent health, capability, voice—and hope for their futures. Respect, relationship building and trust development were key ingredients for mutually beneficial adult-adolescent partnerships and adolescent experiences of voice. Adolescents need guidance and support to use power effectively and adults have an important role to play in assisting this process. Conceptualizing adolescents as research partners with valuable voices promises to create future possibilities for important health promoting change.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 11 van 12 gevonden artikelen
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