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                                       Details van artikel 9 van 14 gevonden artikelen
  The changing role of knowledge in education
Titel: The changing role of knowledge in education
Auteur: Doerr, Amy M. Ruffus
Chambers, Elisha A.
Keefer, Matthew W.
Verschenen in: Education, knowledge and economy
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 279-300
Jaar: 2007-11
Inhoud: This case study explored one teacher's understanding of knowledge using an adaptation of the Approach to Knowledge Scheme. By using this Scheme it was possible to see how this teacher's views impacts what knowledge Mrs. Smith (a pseudonym is used) found valuable and how she transmits these values to students and in so doing, provided an opportunity to see how knowledge objectification and knowledge work translated into classroom practices. Content analysis of interviews and classroom discourse revealed that the majority of the teacher's utterances (67.8%) focused around Approach III where knowledge is perceived as a tool, a conceptual artifact, and can be improved upon. She had a deep understanding of her subject matter and expected the same from her students. Previous research is extended by illustrating the applicability of the Scheme in a classroom setting from the teacher's perspective. Future research could explore its taxonomic utility.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 9 van 14 gevonden artikelen
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