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                                       Details for article 8 of 9 found articles
  Expressive artistic therapies as mind-body medicine
Title: Expressive artistic therapies as mind-body medicine
Author: Sherwood, Patricia
Appeared in: Body, movement and dance in psychotherapy
Paging: Volume 3 (2008) nr. 2 pages 81-95
Year: 2008-09
Contents: The somatic connection between mind and body well-being based on the anthroposophical medical model of a human being is outlined from the perspectives of Steiner (1994) and Pierrakos (1987), arguing that the body becomes a map of mind experiences as they are inextricably linked. The expressive artistic therapies, particularly gesture, sound, and colour, are presented as the mediators of mind-body experience because they provide languages to communicate this experience. These artistic therapies are also seen as providing the means to reconnect body-mind experience in therapy in a way that can provide for interventions that transform difficult mind-body energetic patterns into patterns that create mental and physical well-being. This is illustrated with detailed interventions for transforming grief and loss and working with shock and betrayal.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 8 of 9 found articles
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